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Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Pregnancy is truly a wonderful stage in a woman’s life. She is going through an incredible transformation. Pregnancy brings the whole new set of changes and challenges. Prenatal Yoga in Tenerife is the perfect practice for every woman in this stage.

Yoga offers tremendous benefits to women through every phase of pregnancy, labor and childbirth and throughout the post-partum period. It allows them to connect more deeply with themselves and their baby and takes care of their body and mind through practice, preparing the future mother for labor and strenthening the body-mind system for well-being of both mother and baby.


Prenatal Yoga Classes

During pregnancy, women experience many changes physically, emotionally and mentally. On the physical level, yoga helps women to build and maintain their strength, stamina and flexibility – helping to prepare her for the process of labor and childbirth. In addition, a woman can experience many discomforts as her body changes to accommodate her growing baby, and these can often be alleviated through yoga. Because of the hormonal changes taking place, women can feel very emotional. Practicing yoga helps to balance the endocrine system, giving practitioners an overall sense of well-being. On the mental level, women often experience feelings of anxiety when thinking about labor and childbirth. The meditative aspects of yoga learned on the mat can be applied off the mat, helping to calm the mind when anxiety-producing thoughts arise.

Practicing yogic postures, breath awareness- pranayama and relaxation techniques is a stepping stone for the healthy mother and baby.


Postnatal Yoga Classes

Postnatal yoga classes can be practiced with the baby, so both mother and child get to experience a yoga class. Post partum women need to be guided back into practice, it helps to heal, balance and strengthen the mums body after birth: the back and abdomen and improves pelvic tone.  It helps to alleviate mental, emotional and physiological stress after the birth of the baby. It speeds up the recovery and helps her in getting back to the previous normal state.


Private Yoga Classes

Class duration – Price

Private Yoga Class (1-2 people)

75 minutes – €55 (1 person) — €65 (2 people)


Group Prenatal Yoga Classes

Wednesday Evenning 17:00-18:15pm at Callao Salvaje

Single class: €12
Monthly pass: 1 class/week: €40/month  (Four weeks)

Bookings are required at least one day in advance. Places are limited.

Classes start on time, so please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier.



«The Destiny of the World and Children is in the Hands of Intelligent Mothers.»

Contact me

Get in touch with me for booking appointments or further information


Phone & Whatsapp: (+34) 691 31 31 45
